My cat is sneezing, why?
My cat is sneezing |
You read in this article the following points:
1-The presence of an intruder (foreign body) or just a temporary irritation;
2-Trauma or deformity;
3-The Cat Cold;
4-Coryza in cats;
5-Some precautions.
Occasional sneezing in cats is nothing serious. However, if these sneezes are frequent and moreover are accompanied by other symptoms that last, in this case, you must take your cat as soon as possible to the veterinarian. Indeed, your cat can afford a respiratory disease that may evolve into something more serious.
We will see together the different causes that can cause your cat to sneeze.
1-The presence of an intruder (foreign body) or just a temporary irritation:
The presence of an intruder inside the cat's nose causes sneezing in order to expel the foreign body. Nothing serious in this case.
This pet can sneeze just because a tiny amount of a body touches its nasal mucosa. This can cause simple irritation that causes the cat's body to expel it through sneezing. Then, once the particle is expelled, the cat stops sneezing. And so, in this case, you have no reason to worry. It's just a temporary sneeze.
2-Trauma or deformity:
If you find that your cat has a common sneeze, you should think about malformations that may affect the airway. In particular, the case of cleft palate.
Cleft palate in cats is a crack in the roof of the mouth. In fact, an abnormal communication is created between two parts that are the oral cavity and the nasal cavity. It can be of congenital origin in the cat, that is to say that this malformation appeared with the birth of the feline. This malformation can also be acquired and then manifest itself following a trauma.
The only solution in this case, the cleft palate of the cat, would be a surgical operation and is often performed in kittens from the fourth month.
3-The Cat Cold:
As with humans, cats can get colds and sneeze because they have caught a cold, either from a shower or from drafts.
In general, the common cold is not really dangerous for cats. Sneezing is just a symptom that should not last. After 10 days, if there is no improvement, it is recommended that you take your cat to the vet for a consultation. Your cat's airways may be affected by the untreated cold and eventually develop pneumonia.
Your cat with a cold will not only sneeze, but will also have a runny nose and eyes. It will also have a fever and may lose its appetite.
4-Coryza in cats:
There is another disease that can cause sneezing in cats is coryza. This is the cat flu, which is also called cat coryza. This kind of disease is very contagious, is easily transmitted by physical contact and sneezing, unfortunately, there is no effective treatment for cat coryza. It can only be prevented by vaccination after the birth of the kitten, and then booster shots are given every year.
This disease is also manifested by coughing, fever, and depression.
5-Some precautions:
You need to watch his food to boost his natural defenses. To help your cat heal, there are a few things you can do, such as cleaning his eyes and nose daily and keeping him warm.
You must not forget the vaccine against the coryza and to make them every year. The prevention is above all.