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A hamster, what does it eat?


A hamster, what does it eat?

hamster, food, pet, animal

Your hamster is omnivorous. According to this principle, you know that he can swallow any type of food. Meat, fruits, vegetables and seeds. However, his diet should not include everything. In order to give him a healthy and balanced diet, there are a few rules to follow. We give you the recipe.

Like all animals and rodents, your hamster needs to be satiated. Each day, he must swallow a certain amount of protein, fiber, fat and many vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. All these elements must be provided by a balanced and varied diet.

Be careful not to overfeed your hamster. You probably won't feel like you're giving him big rations every day. However, he tends to store food in his chin and build up reserves. In nature, it draws nutrients from it to feed itself, in particular seeds and dried herbs.

Seeds and pellets

Although omnivorous, hamsters tend to feed mainly on seeds. You can choose 2 solutions:

Grainy mixture. You should give about 15 grams per day (8 grams if you have a dwarf hamster). These seeds must be offered all at once.

particles. They offer the advantage of meeting the food needs of the hamster. Note that these pellets will rot after 6 months of storage.

Pellets are generally preferred because they don't allow your hamster to choose its favorite seed. They all contain nutrients and elements necessary for their growth and development. Conversely, if he drops some of the seeds in someone else's archive, there will be a loophole.


In its needs, the hamster must store animal proteins. They can come from several sources. The main thing is to give regularly, but also in moderation (no more than once a week).

Therefore, he can eat dried shrimp, live crickets or dried crickets, crickets, grasshoppers and a few cups of flour. These foods are good for the health of rodents.

On the other hand, it is not recommended to give him cold cuts, it is too fatty for him. Meat (beef) should not be given to him. Even if yogurt is tolerated, all processed foods do not necessarily have their place in the hamster's diet (cheese), but eat them in small quantities to avoid diarrhea.

Vegetables and fruits

Your hamster is very fond of fruits and vegetables, but they should be eaten in moderation and in small quantities. So, for fruits, we prefer dried fruits to fruits that are too sweet. Indeed, the digestive system of this animal does not support too much sugar. Therefore, eating one or two fruits a week is more than enough: strawberries, currants, blueberries and apples are the favorites.

As for vegetables, they must always be fresh, never canned. They should be eaten at room temperature so as not to upset the small rodent's stomach. Therefore, broccoli, squash, cucumber, zucchini, corn, radish or Jerusalem artichoke are well tolerated. On the other hand, avoid spinach, beets, carrots, but also celery and beans.


Your hamster loves cereals, especially oatmeal. They are particularly adapted to its growth. However, it is not recommended to give him bread. Moreover, even if hay is not his first food, it can be an excellent means for his intestinal transit. Also, he can use it in the composition of his den, his habitat.

The water

Water is essential for hamsters. He must be able to hydrate daily or even continuously. It must be replaced regularly to avoid infection and soiling.

Water should be given at room temperature, not cold water. Prefer a bottle or a water fountain.

His droppings

Yes, hamsters are good at eating feces. In other words, he swallows his excrement. This will make up for the lack of B vitamins, so don't worry.

Food to forget

Many foods are not made for your hamster. By ingesting them, he risks serious problems and even death. So forget about coffee, tea, chocolate, alcohol, raw eggs, peanuts, fruit seeds, and poisonous plants.

In summary, your hamster is an omnivorous rodent that essentially eats four things:

  • pellets or seeds
  • animal protein
  • vegetables and fruits
  • his own stool

The main thing is to provide him with a balanced diet and pay attention to his weight.

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