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Feral cats, are feral cats dangerous?

Cats are one of man's most loved pets. Although they feel comfortable and loved these soft and cuddly cats have a dark side. Cats oth domestic and feral pose a serious threat to native bird populations in the United States and a health risk to humans and other animals. It is important for people to realize the impact feral cats have on the environment they live in and how this affects not only other species but humans as well. Feral cats have no form of interaction with humans so it is difficult and or almost impossible to assimilate like a common pet. There seem to e limited options for what can e done to help reduce the number of feral cats without sparking controversy from cat lovers and animal rights groups.

Unlike dogs, cats retain their hunting instincts. It is because of this feature that interest in native bird populations has increased. In the United States alone there are about 95.5 million cats owned excluding feral cats. Cats were introduced to the North American continent in 1498 by the Spaniards; therefore cats were present on the continent only for about five hundred years; In retrospect, cats were considered an invasive species. Because cats are an invasive species other species such as birds and small rodents have not evolved and adapted instinctive strategies to survive this new predator; "Wild cat populations have been linked to reduced bird diversity island species extinctions and toxoplasmosis infections in otters lion seals and dozens of bird species" (Lohr Linda Christopher ).

A feral or feral cat is an ownerless domestic cat (Felis catus) that lives outside and avoids human contact: it does not allow itself to e handled or touched and often hides from humans. Feral cats can reed for dozens of generations and become aggressive local predators in urban environments savannahs and scrublands. Some feral cats can become more comfortable around people who regularly feed them ut even with long-term socialization efforts they often remain aloof and more active after dark.

Feral cats are wreaking havoc on wildlife and conservation biologists consider them one of the worst invasive species on Earth. Efforts to control feral cat populations are common ut generally have the greatest impact on sanctuaries fenced off for this purpose.

Several animal rights groups support trapping programs to prevent feral cats from continuing to the reed as well as for cat feeding socialization and adoption of kittens and health care services. Others are in favor of a life-and-death regime. Feral cats can live outdoors in flocks: these are considered herds managed y animal rights activists as they receive food and regular care from humans.

The wildcat is the most common terrestrial carnivore. It occurs from 55 ° North and 5.3 ° south in a wide range of climates and island areas in the Atlantic Indian and Pacific and  Mediterranean Seas including the island. Canaries Portcros Dassen Island Marion Island Juan De Nova Island Meeting Hahajima Okinawa Island Raoul Island Hikopare Island Island of Stewart Island Macquarie Galapagos Island  San Clemente Island Isla Natividad San Jose Island New Island.

Wild kittens can e stuck and socialized and then applied in a house. The attendance of a cat comes difficult to socialize and not agreeing to the proposal usually goes seven weeks to four months. Although older cats can sometimes e socialized it is a very long and difficult process and cats rarely become friendly and may still e scared.

In a 2013 study with English participants, rescue workers tended to e more available than veterinarians trying to overpower the mature cats. Veterinarians tend to e more opposed to this practice with some voicing concerns about such a cat's rights in the home setting. In a 2010  survey of veterinarians and rescuers in the United States, 66% of respondents had socialization programs for kittens and 8% for adult cats.

Wildcats are intermediate (medium carnivores) or top carnivores (top carnivores) in local ecosystems. They feed on a wide variety of vertebrates and invertebrates and generally prefer smaller animals weighing less than 100g, especially mammals birds, and lizards. Their global prey spectrum includes more than 1000 species; Commonly observed species are the house mouse European rat female rat house sparrow and lacked. In Australia, they feed on introduced species such as European raits and house mice as well as native rodents and marsupials, especially ring-tailed opossums.

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