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scary animals

 scary animals

animal, scary

Many animals are scary. Our fears change according to our phobias, our culture, and where we live. In this article, we will discover together a list of animals that are generally scary.

1- The spider:

In humans, the fear of this kind of animal is innate according to some scientists. Spiders, in fact, do not scare everyone. The fear of this animal is useless. Spiders do not present a real danger to humans, even to children. Among 1600 species of this kind of animal, only about ten can present serious problems in particular problems of allergic order and for only a few people.

However, in tropical countries, there are very dangerous or even deadly spiders such as specimens.


2- The snake:

This animal scares not only women but also men. The viper, for example, poses allergy problems. The snake, in general, bites when it feels stuck or trapped. To avoid being bitten, you must stay away from this animal.

The snake has a very important role in the balance of ecosystems. It plays a role of prey particularly for some mammals such as raptors or badgers.


3- The shark:

The shark is an animal that scares everyone. The fear of the shark is part of the collective imagination. Indeed, it is a fascinating animal. Jaws was a successful 1975 film by Steven Spielberg. It was a film that helped fuel fantasies. The shark remains a dangerous animal that is killed enormously. It is an endangered species.

4- The wolf:

The wolf is an animal that figures a lot in fairy tales.

During the Middle Ages, this animal was very present. The human being feared him a lot but, nowadays, it is rare where you meet a wolf in the wild. There is a wish to reintroduce this animal in different areas to establish a balance in the ecosystem. There are shepherds who are always against this wish. This debate is still active.

5- The jellyfish:

These are carnivorous and venomous marine animals, characterized by a soft body, more or less transparent, in the shape of a rounded cup. The jellyfish has a rather fragile body. She doesn't know how to swim well, she lets herself be carried away by the currents. This animal is present in most oceans and seas. It causes itching, painful burning.

Many jellyfish are harmless to humans. On the other hand, the tropical jellyfish of Australia (the box jellyfish) are very dangerous. Many people die from jellyfish stings every year. In the summer, Australia's beaches are closed for safety. During this period, this animal multiplies a lot.

6- The tick:

Ticks or wood lice are not insects. They have 8 legs and do not fly and have no antennae. Also they do not jump. However, the tick is an animal that sucks blood from human being. It hides in foliage or grass and clings to people's clothing or dog hair. Ticks can stay attached for days. They appear during the spring season and the beginning of autumn.

The tick carries a dangerous disease which is Lyme disease. Each year, ticks are responsible for 50,000 new cases of this disease, in France alone.

Lyme is an infectious disease that is still poorly understood.

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