Scientific name: Serinus canaria
A passerine bird with mostly yellow plumage, but possibly a variety of other colors, the canary is a domesticated breed of the canary. It is a delightful contemplative bird, as delightful as listening to sing.
Geographical area
As the name suggests, the Canary Islands originate from the Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago located off Morocco and Western Sahara.
It is now widely used around the world.
Breed history
The canary was described in 1758 by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnæus.
The one we know and breed today is a domesticated form of the canary canary. The bird is said to have been introduced to Europe in the 15th century.
There are different varieties (French, English, Dutch, Japanese...) bred according to their color, their posture and their song. Among the singing canaries, the best known breeds are the Harz, the Malinois and the Timbrados.
Today, canaries are the most common caged bird.
Physical peculiarities
Canaries are characterized by yellow plumage and white tips. He even gave his name a very special hue because it is called "canary yellow". However, hundreds of colors have been obtained through combinations of different mutations.
So, in addition to yellow, there are red, brown, black, pastel, opal, satin, topaz, isabelle, onyx, cobalt, jasper and even canary agate.
Among the so-called posture canaries, there are individuals with crowns, with some curled feathers.
Behavior and character
Canaries are clearly known for the beauty and variety of their songs.
Also, it is important to know its most common postures in order to understand it and react if necessary. For example, he can open his mouth when he is afraid. If he spreads his wings, especially in the presence of his own, it is an aggressive attitude. If he hides his head in a feather (outside of sleep), he can get sick.
Canaries feed on a variety of seeds. It enjoys a blend of canary seed, niger, canola and flax, hulled oats, hemp, basil and chia seeds.
His diet should also be supplemented with salads, grated carrots and even apples.
Grit (mineral mix) and cuttlebone are also available.
In canaries, the breeding season usually begins in mid-February and lasts at least until June.
Females lay an average of 4 eggs in 26 hours, with 2 to 3 litters per year. The incubation period is 13 days.
Canaries are prone to various diseases such as smallpox, baldness, follicular cysts, hyperkeratosis of the legs or mite infestation.
In some individuals, the beak may become too long and should be shortened by a veterinarian. Legs also require regular maintenance.
Way of life
Canary cages will be placed indoors and in rooms exposed to natural light. Remember to protect your bird from agitation and drafts. Fumes and fumes are also dangerous for this creature. You must offer your canary a spacious cage with perches. Also think about providing a nest, a hiding place, a basin filled with water that will allow him to take baths at will, particularly during the moult in summer.