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Household items poisonous to birds

If you have any pet, safety should always be your number one priority. There are so many things humans use in their daily lives that are toxic to the animals we care for. Whatever type of animal you have as a pet, you must ensure that you never allow it to be harmed in any way by anything it may find on the floor or in your house. With birds, this is especially important.

What is very toxic to birds?

For most birds, which spend much of their time, if not all of their time, in a cage, most things you have in your home won't be able to harm them. However, if your bird is allowed to fly in your home (and remember that it's good for all pet birds to spend some time out of their cage each day), you need to make sure your home is bird-proof.

All of your household chemicals and things they might eat should be stored and placed in closed cabinets where the bird cannot access them. Remember that with birds, high shelves are not an option unless your bird has clipped wings and cannot fly. If your bird is allowed out into your home, you need to make sure there is nothing for it to grab.

On the other hand, you might think that if your bird is still in its cage, you have nothing to worry about. This is the case for anything that is toxic and lying around the house, such as bottles of cleaners or other objects that an animal could access, but that your bird cannot reach because it is in a cage. However, you would be wrong to think that your bird is safe just because it can't get out of its cage.

Air fresheners, carpet sprays, and any other cleaners that can get into the air can be toxic to a bird. You should never spray them near your bird's cage, and you should take care that the fumes from these cleaners do not seep into the cage. Remember that a bird is very small and it only takes a very small amount to kill it. Whatever the product, keep it away from your birds, and they will stay safe and healthy. If in doubt, talk to your veterinarian.

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