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Lunging/Longeing - Part Three

Getting comfortable in a circle, and using the same body language as horses is natural for a horse, and he will easily see your intention. You will of course have spent time with your horse to familiarize him with the lunging routine and what you are asking him to do, whether it is going right or left, backing up, giving face, giving at the level of the tail, etc.

how to lunge a horse for beginners

Once you've mastered the body language, add voice commands that match the body language. You've already laid the groundwork for them to understand what you're asking with your body, by combining a command with body language, it's easy for them to make the association between body and voice. You do all the groundwork so that when you saddle your horse, it can go from body language on the ground and vocal commands to the same language in the saddle.

Your body language and posture are key to communicating with your horse. Once you're in the saddle, if your body language matches what you gave your horse on the ground, you'll let him know that you're a trustworthy leader and that he'll listen to you. 

Yes, sometimes you have a horse that thinks it knows more than you. For those, who really need professional help. But don't be discouraged, you can always tether them and teach them the basics.

But we're going a little too fast, so let's go back to the lunging ring to teach your horse to stop. As simple as it may seem, all you have to do is stop all forms of communication. Stop walking, lower your head and gently say "Whoa!".

If you want a pleasant, calm, and relaxed stop, you need to give your horse the right language to do it. If it doesn't stop, keep walking and try again. He will understand if you have the necessary patience. In summary, if you want a calm, obedient, and awesome horse, you need to be all of that yourself in addition to being a great leader.

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