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What you need to know about Persian cat care?

He may be fluffy, but the way you care for a Persian cat should also match the way you care for other cats. You must perform the tasks with love and affection, just like a parent towards his child.

What you need to know before bringing home a Persian cat?Is it hard to take care of a Persian cat?How do you take care of a Persian cat for the first time?

Where it comes from

The origin story of this cat breed varies depending on who you talk to. But most would say the name has something to do with its origin. It is said that some of the first Persian cats actually came from Persia. This country is known today as Iran.

It is also believed that these cats originated in Turkey, as well as in England during the time of the Crusades. This breed held a special place in the royalty of England and even with the king of Persia at the time. This type of person enjoyed owning Persian cats.

This may be the reason why, until today, Persian cats seem to be on the rise. They seem to have class.

The race

The build of Persian cats can range from medium to large. It may feel fluffy like a pillow, but it actually has a good muscle tone. The down or its coat has a fine texture and seems to be full of life. This is what gives the appearance of wealth to this breed.


Caring for your Persian cats doesn't have to be as regal as they seem. The idea is to be responsible and perform your tasks accordingly.

You need to provide your pet with the best possible food. They are not human and their needs are very different from yours. Don't give them your leftovers. Choose quality cat food according to your budget. Be sure to give them food that is as fresh as possible. Don't let your cats touch spoiled food, otherwise, it could cause them illnesses like diarrhea or stomach upset.

Always maintain their litter boxes. Cats have a sensitive smell. And they don't like anything that stinks. It will also do your home good as you can keep things tidy.

And of course, know your animal. You have to observe them well. You need to know when something is wrong. Ask the veterinarian to examine them every year and whenever necessary.

Just like a child, there are vaccines your cat needs to receive. You should include them in your monthly budget. It is therefore best to ask your veterinarian for advice on how much you should allocate for each monthly check-up if there is one.

And, of course, you need to take the time to actually care for your pets. Take the time to play with them. They need to feel that you love them. Spend quality time with your cats. If you have other pets in the home, take the time to strategize how to integrate the new pet into the overall system.

Your cats tend to get jealous when they don't get the attention they once had. This can lead to stress and depression. If you're not careful, it can get worse. Therefore, you must always be very careful.

Take the time to take care of your Persian cat. And you'll be surprised that over time you'll be able to develop ways to identify the signs and take action before it's too late.

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