Why should dogs have all the fun? Many indoor cats would like to get out and enjoy the sun. enjoy the sun, but it is often far too dangerous to let them roam free. as they wish. Congested roads, large dogs, and careless people are dangers many of us don't want our cats exposed to. cats. So why not teach him to walk on a leash?
But cats don't walk on a leash! This is the feeling many people have when the idea is first presented to them. the idea is first presented. It is true that some cats have absolutely nothing to do with all this. the case.
They apparently think it's quite beneath them to be seen outside on a leash. What would the neighbors think? Luckily, there are other cats out there who are willing to Fortunately, there are other cats out there who are willing to go along with the idea, and some of them end up loving their walks. There's really no way to tell what your cat will become if you don't try. Let's start.
The first thing you will need is a well-fitting harness and a light leash. It doesn't have to be fancy, just solid and well-made. Training your lovely cat with a simple collar is not really a good thing. The pressure around their neck seems to freeze some cats.
You want to teach him to move forward, not to freeze in place. The second thing you will get is a bag of treats. Preferably, you should have things that he really likes but rarely gets. The third and most important thing you will need during training is a lot of patience with your cat.
Start training inside your home. Don't take him outside until he walks freely and comfortably with you on his leash. Place the harness on your cat and let them get used to it. If your cat is particularly shy, you can leave the harness where she can examine it and get used to it. leave the harness where he can examine it and get used to seeing it before putting it on.
Leave the harness on for ten to fifteen minutes a day for the first few days. Then Then, the duration can be increased to fifteen or twenty minutes. Give him a treat or two while he's wearing the harness so he associates it with good things.
When he is fully comfortable with the harness, add the leash in the same way, allowing him to drag it around for an increasingly longer period of time. letting him drag her around for a slowly increasing period over several days. Don't forget the treats.
Now your cat is comfortable with the harness and leash. Simply grab the end of the leash and hold it. Don't try to take it anywhere. Follow him if he moves. if he moves. Practice this for a few minutes a day until your cat is completely comfortable.
Now the big step: teach him to follow where you lead him. Place your cat to your left. left, your leash must be in your left hand. Allow your arm to hang relaxed at your side. Take a treat in your right hand. Turn to your cat and show him the treat. Now take a couple of steps forward, continuing to show him the treat. If he follows you, take a few more steps. no more. If he follows you to your new position, give him his treat and praise him. If the cat is hesitant to move forward, put the treat closer to your pet. Praise him if he steps forward and gives him the treat. If he won't move on, whatever you do, don't drag him. whatever you do, don't drag it. Pick him up and take him somewhere else to remove his harness. Go on don't give him a treat since he didn't do what you asked him to do. This is where patience comes in. Keep repeating the lesson each day, asking him to go further each time.
When your cat roams freely on a leash with you throughout the house, take it out into the garden and walk it around the house. in the garden and walk him around the yard. There is no need to panic if your cat refuses to move forward, don't panic. Reassure him of his safety and bring him back inside. Try again tomorrow. If he tries to leave on his own, you can easily control him with your leash. Once he is comfortable in the yard, you can start taking him further. Soon you will be able to take beautiful walks wherever you want.