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The best duck breeds, which are the friendliest?

 The best duck breeds, which are the friendliest?

duck, animal, pets, breeds, friendliest

It's hardly surprising that people want to keep ducks as pets. Although they are not cuddly or tender in the canine or feline sense, many ducks are, all things considered, very pleasant and bond well with people on the whole. They appreciate the human organization and observe human action. You may also find immense joy in their seemingly harmless exercises: swimming and bathing, sunbathing, or just watching you. Obviously, only every other type of duck is appropriate or enjoyable on your lawn. However, assuming you stay away from wild ducks, there are a few assortments that are both pleasant and undemanding.

Undoubtedly, a few ducks are bred to be pets, which guarantees their friendly and harmless behavior.

 The ducks of call 

Call ducks belong to this category. Originally from Holland (where they are known as bait ducks), they are small - a few pounds - like all ducks. With a fitted body, orange legs, and a discreet head on a short neck, these avian companions also have a mottled orange nose and huge blue eyes. Sub-breeds include the blue fawn, buff, and chocolate. 

The Peking duck

 The Peking duck originated in China, although it is larger (2.5 kg) and was originally intended for consumption. This waterfowl cliché (bright white head, neck and body, orange legs and feet, yellow beak) has served as the model for beloved characters like Donald Duck and Aflac's spokes duck. His charming personality is the reason for his growing popularity as a pet. The same is true of the Cayuga, a relative of the wild black duck. Like its precursor, it is very dark in color (with a bug-green sheen) and weighs between six and eight pounds. Native to upstate New York, this bird is considered both hardy and useful to the humans who care for it.

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The mallard

Perhaps the most notable variety is the mallard. With a caramel body, it is distinguished by its striking green head. Like the call duck, the mallard weighs only a few pounds. Known for being friendly and talkative (in duck language, of course), the mallard is also a good flier. It is truly a resource when it comes to avoiding hunters. Trust me, assuming you give it proper consideration and standard care, this duck will not abandon you. 

The mallard, duck, animal, pets

The Swedish duck

On the other hand, the Swedish duck, or Swedish blue duck, is an excellent forager, at least when raised in a prison. It has dark, blue, and silver plumage, with an incidental white breast and record-sized beaks. Of medium size, it weighs between four and five pounds. Irritable, it is an incredibly quiet bird. 

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The Buff Orpington duck 

The Buff Orpington duck is heavier and can weigh up to three kilos. Its name says it all: buff plumage with orange/yellow legs and an orange/earth-colored bill. It is a quiet duck, not prone to fussing or disturbing.

These are just a few of the many types of native ducks whose character and attitude fit well with human friendship. Their consideration is not oppressive, but they will need you.

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