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What are the differences between jaguars and leopards?

 What are the differences between jaguars and leopards?


jaguars, leopard, animals

Big cats are some of the most fascinating species in the world, and it's only natural to consider a list of must-see experiences to have the opportunity to notice these big creatures at home.

Panthera onca, also known as jaguar, is probably the most sought after animal, due to its very clandestine behavior. For those who manage to afford the honor of participating in a coordinated jaguar hunting trip in South or Central America, the rush is undoubtedly genuine.

It is essential to understand the distinctions between Panthera onca and its relative Panthera pardus, the leopard. Although the two species are regularly confused, they have some easily recognizable distinguishing features.

The two species will never meet

The first thing to remember is that, although they share the Panthera class, the two big cats should never be confused in the wild, as they occupy completely different territories. Panthers are undeniably larger and can be found throughout Asia and Africa, but nature lovers can visit jaguars in Central and South America, as these are the main places where the species exist in the wild.

Spot the differences

Panthers are the more modest of the two and have a unique body structure, with more limited legs, a more modest head and a proportionately longer tail. Their spots, or "rosettes," are also much more modest and all the more solidly distributed on the body. Although both creatures' coats can be light or dark (called melanism), the jaguar's rosettes have a focal point in each spot.

Hunting and behavior

In addition to their class, the two big cats have many things in common, including their extraordinary hunting ability, strength and endurance. Nevertheless, Panthera onca is the master of the wilderness and the dominant hunter of its home range, ready to smash the skull of its prey with a powerful bite. In Africa and Asia, the leopard has undeniably more competitors and dangers to face: bears, hyenas, wild canids and various types of giant cats.

Although it is (slightly) smaller and lighter of the two species, the leopard dominates the competition in terms of acumen and has the power and agility to climb a tree with prey that weighs more than its own body. While both huge cats are excellent swimmers, Panthera onca will jump into the water, while the leopard can dive in if it is fundamental.

The difference, during a trip, between leopard and jaguar

Due to their different natural environments, it is unimaginable to expect to see the two main felines in the wild. Nevertheless, those who wish to see either can have a rare encounter on a coordinated trip to Asia, Africa or Central and South America. By choosing an attentive and environmentally friendly travel organization, you will be guaranteed an ideal opportunity for a considerable amount of time, with minimal impact on wildlife and its living space.

Creator's plaque

Jaguar watcher Marissa Ellis-Snow is a freelance nature writer. Enthralled by her subject, Marissa chose Naturetrek's coordinated jaguar watching programs, which have provided her with extraordinary sightings of a wide variety of wildlife in perhaps the most fantastic regions of the planet.

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