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Cat paws, what secrets do they hide?

 Cat paws, what secrets do they hide?

cats, animals, paws

As you know, everyone says that a cat lands on its paws. But have you thought about the secrets of your cat's paws? What does a cat feel when it paws? How do you deal with a limping cat?

In this article, you will discover all the secrets and mysteries about the paws of this feline. In addition, you will discover their anatomy, and their uses. Finally, you'll learn how to take care of your furry friend.

The main elements of the cat's paw:

Everyone knows that cats walk on 4 legs, but does everyone know the main elements that make up the cat's paw? Some think that the anatomy of the cat differs according to the race. In fact, some cats have short legs and others have long but thin legs. This does not mean that the anatomy is different for all breeds. In fact, it is only the length of the legs that varies from one breed to another.  

The anatomy of the cat's legs:

Did you notice that cats walk on their toes? Yes! Cats walk on their toes unlike humans who walk on the soles of their feet. Cats are digitigrade animals and humans and other animals such as bears are plantigrades. Another remark is that cats have 5 toes on their front paws and only 4 on their back paws. 

Moreover, there is a difference of anatomy in this feline between the back legs and the front legs. The front paws are dexterous and flexible, they allow this animal to catch objects. However, the back legs are longer and very muscular. They allow the cat to run quickly and to propel itself. The cat's paw contains 3 major articulations like in the human being.


The paw pads are an important part of the anatomy of the cat's paws. They are small balls that are located under the paw. There is a central, larger pad and one under each finger. The front paws contain an extra pad that is placed a little higher on the paw. The pads are hairless and come in different colors depending on the cat's coat. They are covered with a rough skin. It is an elastic element that allows to absorb all the shocks, and to protect the fragile bones of the paw of the cat.

The central pad also works as a brake, it helps the cat, during a race, to brake and not to slip. It is also made for landing after a jump. In addition, each pad contains very sensitive tactile sensors.

The claws:

All the cat's fingers are equipped with a claw. As in most felines, this claw is retractable. The cat can totally retract and extend its claws inside and outside of its fingers. Indeed, elastic ligaments ensure their mobility. When the cat takes out its claws, it is a reflex and not a voluntary act. 

Keratin is the material that makes up the claws like hair. The claws are formidable weapons in the cat. 

The removal of the cat's claws : 

First of all, let me start by mentioning that this is an illegal and cruel practice.

Many owners perform onyxectomies, which is the removal of a cat's claws. This practice consists of a surgical amputation of the phalanx that ends in a claw (the last phalanx). It is a totally cruel and disabling practice for the feline in general. Your cat will suffer horribly after the operation, and may experience difficulty moving around, and significant loss of balance. Your cat may also have problems with its dowry.

In addition, researchers have noted that cats that have had their claws removed have suffered from behavioral problems. This practice is still forbidden in many European countries, but unfortunately, it is still practiced massively in many countries such as in the United States for comfort reasons. Several awareness campaigns have been carried out by animal rights defenders. In the USA alone, 25% of domestic cats have had their claws removed. 

The paws of a cat have several functions:

A means of movement: 

 They are obviously used for its movement by allowing it to walk and run faster thanks to the power of the back legs. Its paws also allow it to jump very high. A cat can run 100 m in only 9 seconds, and can jump 1.5 m high. The paw pads allow this feline to land smoothly, especially the central paw pad which also helps it not to skid. A cat is also able to spread its front paws laterally. This movement can help him for example to climb a tree easily by grabbing the trunk.

A way to communicate with other cats:

Cats' paws have a rather surprising function. They are used to communicate. Indeed, between the paw pads we can see glands, called sweat glands, which let out an odorous liquid loaded with pheromones. This liquid is a way for the cat to mark its territory.

A means of perspiration:

Cats' paws have another important and very useful function. It is perspiration. Indeed, the paw pads are also equipped with sweat glands that help cats to sweat and subsequently regulate the temperature of its body. This function is very useful for cats in case of heat wave.

A means of hunting, formidable weapons:

Using its paws, the cat can run very fast and pounce easily. This is an advantage for hunting. The cat is able to move without making noise thanks to the paw pads and thus to surprise its victims easily. Moreover, thanks to the paw pads, the cat detects the micro-vibrations of the ground because they are filled with sensitive sensors. The cat's claws help to immobilize the prey and seize it well.

Maintaining a cat's paw:

We just learned about the functions of a cat's paw. But, we did not point out that they are fragile and require care to keep them healthy. We will also discover how to take care of your cat if it limps.

In fact, you should regularly examine your cat's paws, looking at each pad and the space between the toes. The pads protect the paws of cats but they are still fragile, especially the underside of the paw which remains exposed to various injuries and irritations. If you notice a wound, it must be cleaned and disinfected. Do not hesitate to visit the veterinarian if it is a major injury or irritation. 

In general, cats do not like to have their paws touched. It is therefore necessary to educate your kitten from the beginning in order to get her used to this gesture. Your cat is a large cat, so you must be patient and gradually get her used to it.

What to do in front of a limping cat?

Different are the causes that can cause a cat to limp. Generally, the injury that leaves your cat limping is either at the level of the joints, or at the level of the end of the leg, or at the level of the bones. First, observe how your cat moves. A cat that does not put one of its paws on the ground is certainly suffering from a very serious or infected wound. So, it is recommended to take your cat to an emergency veterinarian.

Your cat is able to put its paw on the ground but it limps from time to time, maybe it is a less serious injury. In this case it is necessary to examine the cat. If he has an injury to a finger or pad, you can treat it yourself if it is not a deep injury. Be careful, when the cat is in pain, it scratches and is aggressive. If it is a bite, the intervention of a professional is mandatory because he will prescribe antibiotics.

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