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Ragdoll cats

 Ragdoll cats

The Ragdoll is a large cat, an exceptionally calm, patient, and docile animal. It also has an enormous capacity for adaptation, which allows it to adapt to most lifestyles. However, he very much likes a calm and safe environment. Never aggressive and with a legendary sweet taste, the Ragdoll is a relatively new breed that has quickly become very popular, first in the United States and then in homes in other parts of the world, especially Europe.

Breed history:

In the early 1960s, we owe it to Ann Baker, a breeder of Persian cats in Riverside, California. She obtained the Ragdoll breed by crossing a Persian Angora cat with a sacred Birman cat, resulting in an unusually gentle companion. Ann Baker named her Ragdoll, which means "rag doll".

Ragdoll cats are very popular in the United States and began to be recognized by various major American cat groups in the 1970s, including the TICA (International Cat Association).

Physical properties :

His hair: 

Mid-long, silky, well adorned with outer hair and related to the undercoat. The front legs are short and the hind legs are long and dense. The necklace is particularly sought after.

His body :

Solid, heavy, and long structure, suitable for a rectangular shape. The neck is short and muscular, the chest is broad and round, and the legs are medium in size and strong in bone.

His head: 

Triangle. The contours of the skull, forehead,  and head are rounded. The muzzle is of medium length, well developed, with a pronounced chin.

His eyes: 

Large, oval, slightly slanted, not oriental. The color of his eyes is an intense blue.

Its color: 

The four main colors (or patterns) are colorpoint, mitted, bicolor, and van. Body-color almost always ranges from eggshell white to creamy white. Of the color dots, the dots formed by the ears, mask, feet, and tail are darker than the body.

In the glove, the chin is white and runs down the chest and the full length of the abdomen through a band. Ears, legs, and masks are darker (except for the feet). In the bicolor, the nose is pink and the dots consist of the ears, tail, and mask, and feature an inverted V-shaped white marker. In vans, the body color is white with a small eggshell to cream speckles. The focus is on the ears, tail, and top of the mask, and the nose is pink.


Medium-large, broad at the point of attachment, with a triangular extension of the head, slightly forward. Their tops are rounded.

Its tail:

Long, wide at birth, covered with hair.

Behavior and character:

The softness of the ragdoll is one of its main characteristics. The cat did not show or show any form of aggression. He is also known for his extreme patience, which makes him an ideal companion for children. Very calm and cautious, he constantly seeks peace and does not like excitement.

He also dislikes being alone and spends most of his time with his master. For the latter, he is very affectionate. He loves to be cuddled, to stay on his lap, even to be held in his arms. The Ragdoll is primarily an indoor cat, preferring the tranquility, comfort and security of the home to the bustle outdoors.

Survival status:

Although his calm and patience allow him to adapt to all structures of the house and most environments, the Ragdoll is more of an indoor cat than a feline that wants to explore its environment. domesticated. He needs far fewer outings and activities than other cat breeds. It is better to protect him because he is not good at protecting himself if he is attacked, including by other cats. Living inside an apartment suits this breed perfectly.


Ragdoll cats are characterized by good health, but the breed can be affected by two diseases also associated with many other feline breeds: HCM and PKD.

HCM, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, is a heart condition that affects both alley and purebred cats. The most affected felines are young adults (about 2 years old).

This disease has symptoms of acute heart and congestive insufficiency: pleural effusion, pulmonary oedema, arrhythmia… You can find a DNA screening test for HCM.

PKD is polycystic kidney disease. It is a kidney disease which corresponds to the formation of cysts, sometimes very numerous in the kidneys, and which leads to kidney failure.


Because it is less active than many other cats, the Ragdoll can be prone to being overweight. This means that his diet must be adapted by avoiding too many carbohydrates and fats. It is therefore better to provide him with top-of-the-range kibble, offering him quality proteins and a complete and balanced range of nutrients. In addition, this form of dry food will help him maintain his teeth. The cat must also have fresh and regularly renewed water, at will.

Maintenance and hygiene:

Being endowed with a semi-long hair and a moderately dense undercoat, the Ragdoll is not a cat with tedious maintenance. Brushing it regularly helps to ensure the beauty and cleanliness of its coat and the good health of its skin. Moreover, the Ragdoll does not go out a lot and therefore has less opportunity to get dirty.

The Ragdoll should be brushed once or twice a week to help it get rid of its dead hair, and thus prevent it from accumulating in large numbers in its intestine and forming trichobezoars. It is advisable, when brushing, to insist on the area of ​​​​the "trousers", formed by part of the hindquarters of the cat. The hair in this part of the cat's body is generally denser and fuller. The Ragdoll may also need to bathe from time to time. Dental care is essential to prevent periodontal disease caused by tartar, as is regular nail trimming since it wears them down very slowly.

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