Why do cats meow like this?
Why is he running across the room at full speed when there's no one else but you two?
Is it a sign of submission when he lies on his back in front of you?
Cat attitudes are not easy to decipher. We help you understand its language.
Because he doesn't have the ability to speak, your cat uses his body to talk. He uses different gestures and his voice (his mewing) to communicate with you and his compatriots, trying to make you understand something. He is trying to get your attention because he has a need to satisfy and because he knows that only with you can he achieve his goals.
It is important to know how to identify and interpret these attitudes and movements. This way, you will know what he expects of you and what annoys or hurts him. You will have the opportunity to meet his needs and put an end to the situation that is upsetting him.
It is also the best way to strengthen your ties and your complicity. Understanding and communication are the foundations of healthy, strong and lasting relationships. Also, this will allow you to show those around you what your cat is, who is used to seeing your cat, what to do and what to avoid with him.
Here are 11 deciphered cat behaviors to help you understand what he is telling you...
1. He meows seriously
If your cat starts meowing in a low voice, there will be conflict in the air. He may have sensed the presence of another cat in his territory that he thought was an intruder. He used that hoarse tone to impress her face. Often the cats get closer to each other, making those strange meows louder and louder until a fight breaks out.
2. He wags his tail quickly
Does your cat wag its tail? What does it mean?
In fact, the latter depends on the speed at which the tail swings. If the frequency of agitation is high, the animal will be unhappy. Unlike dogs, they wag their tails quickly when happy and excited. In this case, do not insist on playing or petting your cat, stop right away and let him come back to you whenever he wants. If he wags his tail slowly, it's usually a sign of a friendly attitude.
3. He was coughing like he was about to throw up
Your cat will swallow its hair when it licks and grooms itself. These gradually accumulated in his esophagus and stomach to form balls, also called rubble. So every now and then your feline friend will cough up those hairballs. You can help him with this reflux process by giving him catnip.
4. He sneezes
If he sneezes occasionally, don't worry. Your cat sneezes to expel particles that come into contact with the nasal mucosa. When the foreign body is no longer present, the sneezing stops. On the other hand, if the latter becomes frequent, it is best to take him to the veterinarian so that he can check and determine the source. In fact, repeated sneezing is one of the symptoms of illnesses such as the cat cold.
5. He runs across the room
We are often amazed to see our cats running around the room for no apparent reason. This act is even more spectacular at night because it breaks the silence and calm. Rest assured, your cat is not chasing ghosts. He has just fulfilled his need for activity. These untimely “sprints”, day and night, reflect his desire to work hard.
6. He climbs the curtains
Cats are known to love standing for several reasons. This first allows them to take shelter if they feel the need. Plus, the heights give them a better viewing angle. So your cat can crawl on the curtains simply because he's used to crawling on anything he can. That's why cat trees are essential accessories, especially for cats who rarely go out.
7. He spits, ears back
When does a cat start spitting? Usually he does this when he finds himself in a situation of fear or stress. If it feels threatened, the cat will fold its ears and spit. It is a typical posture of the feline trying to protect itself from what it considers a threat, especially if it cannot escape (locked in a crate or a cage, hidden in a corner, etc.).
8. He scrubs the furniture
Cats rub on furniture and even on the paws of family members to deposit their olfactory (smell) characteristics and pheromones in their living environment. This comforted him, reminding him that he was home. At the same time, this behavior allows it to mark its presence on its territory, much like a dog urinating on its territory to signal potential intruders.
9. He lies down in front of you
Will your cat lie down in front of you? What is he trying to convey to you by doing this? In fact, he just wants you to touch him. Usually, before laying down in front of you, he will walk towards you with his tail raised and his head resting on your lap. Therefore, it is nothing more than an invitation to embrace.
10. He stood there, watching intently
If you notice that your cat has moved away, for example behind a piece of furniture, looking straight ahead, it means that it is in the full observation phase. Something intrigued or worried him. Its ears are erect and active for better sound pick-up and better alertness. His eyes widened. He carefully observes the scenes that interest him, ready to react and run away if necessary.
11. He jumps on you
Without you suspecting anything, your cat will be in ambush waiting for the right moment to pounce. He hides, patiently, and jumps on you as soon as you pass within his reach. This behavior does not correspond to an attack, but rather to a game. It releases its predatory instincts by imitating its attitude towards its prey, just as it does with toys.