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Why are Russian Blue cats so special?

Other names: Russian and Nebelung, Russian Blue

Russian Blue, as the name suggests, originated in Russia and within a few years conquered Western and Northern Europe with its gorgeous looks, elegant lines, and tactile outerwear. In terms of character, he is known for his calm, his attachment to his owner, and his taste for play, but he is not an overly active cat. Discretion is also one of his main qualities, he is not a big cat and prefers to keep his distance from people he does not know well. Its ease of maintenance also contributes to making it a sought-after and appreciated companion.

Russian blue, cat, animals, pet

Breed History

Not all sources agree on the exact origins of Russian Blue, but most place them on islands in the delta of the present-day port city of Arkhangelsk in northern Russia. The cats have developed a coat dense enough to enable them to withstand the harsh winters that characterize the region.

The Russian blue team will arrive in England and Scandinavia around the 1860s.

It was first exhibited at the Crystal Palace in London in 1875, when it was known as the "Angel Cat" (named after the aforementioned archipelago) or "Blue Angel". Until 1912, he was indistinguishable from the blue cats of other countries.

If it comes from Russia, it is mainly British and Scandinavian breeders who continue to develop the Russian Blue breed. Meanwhile, others have done the same in the United States, crossing imported Russian blues with cats of European ancestry.

Much later, in the 1970s, Russian breeders established in Australia married Russian Blues and White Siberians, resulting in Belarusian cats.

Official feline pedigree books and other agencies recognize blue, white, and black.

Nebelung is a semi-long-haired breed of Russian Blue.

Physical description

His body: of mediocre structure, refined and elegant, rectangular, muscular, but not heavy. The density of the coat accentuates the impression of robustness. The handle is clean and strong, always without excess.

Her hair: Short Russian Blue, mid-length Nebelung. Double coat, fine and soft texture, dense undercoat. Male Nebelung cats may display a chiseled collar.

Its color: blue all over, accentuated by the silver tips of the outer coat.

His head: triangular and wide. Unlike the rest of the head, the muzzle is short and rounded. The nose is anthracite grey.

His eyes: large, wide, walnut-shaped and dark green.

His ears: Wide and high at their attachment, covered with long hair on the inside and short hair on the outside.

Its tail: Strong at birth, becoming thinner over its entire length. In Nebelung it is covered with lots of hair.


When it comes to the diet of the Russian Blue, balance should prevail. In addition to other nutrients, he also needs quality proteins and fats without excess: vitamins, minerals... Thus, a quality kibble is a suitable choice for this cat who can also accept homemade food. 

Provided that the latter provides him with all the nutrients he needs. A veterinarian would ideally be able to advise you on this. Don't forget the water: Russian blue should be freely available.

Maintenance and hygiene

The maintenance of the Russian Blue is very simple. Weekly brushing ensures that their beautiful fur and skin are clean. It is also an opportunity to identify and treat any external parasites (fleas, ticks, etc.), but with limited outings.

Brush the Russian blue once a week to complete the grooming it does by licking itself. In doing so, however, it will swallow any hair that may have accumulated in its stomach. Therefore, brushing your teeth can reduce hairballs and their health effects, including bowel obstruction. During moulting, teeth should be brushed daily.

The hygiene of the Russian Blue also goes through its claws which must be clipped regularly because it is less mobile so that they do not wear out quickly.

The inside of his ear should be inspected and cleaned with the appropriate hearing fluid and a cotton ball given by the veterinarian.


Russian blue does not show a predisposition to specific diseases. Like all cats, he must be vaccinated against the latest vaccines against classic feline diseases: rabies, typhus, rhinitis and feline leukemia (FeLV), even if he ventures outside less than his counterparts of other breeds. But be aware that he may be overweight.

His health needs are the same as most cats: quality and appropriate food, regular hygiene, annual veterinary visits (more frequent for older cats)…

Living conditions

Although his thick fur offers him good protection against the cold and bad weather, Russian Blue prefers the comfort and safety of the house to the hustle and bustle outside. This cat needs to evolve in a calm environment. He should also be in a place where he can play and relax. Amenities required for such a companion include essential scratching posts and cat trees.

In short, Bleu Russe has adapted perfectly to life in the city and in an apartment, even if it fits well in a more rural and natural environment.

Character and behavior

Very attached to his master, the Russian Blue is not a "sticky" cat. It seeks the presence of its owner, gets along with him and knows how to be discreet. On the other hand, he is more reserved with strangers.

Active without overdoing it, very playful and curious, he likes to spend time with his family who do not hesitate to occupy him with fun activities: catching objects, playing hide and seek...

The Russian Blue is also a cat that loves to spend time looking out the windows to observe what is happening outside.

Overall, he is a very quality partner who takes the time to establish trust, and once that trust is established, he becomes unrivaled in his loyalty.

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