How does a cat react when the storm is near?
Thunderstorms induce a feeling of varying intensity in cats (and many other animals), ranging from moderate discomfort to panic attacks. The kitten may even appear nervous or frightened for no apparent reason because it has the particularity of sensing the imminence of this meteorological phenomenon long before the first clap of thunder. Some cats panic so much in a thunderstorm that they may not be able to control or stay down for hours. Fortunately, there are several solutions to calm your cat when a thunderstorm breaks out.
The reactions of the cat in the event of a storm
Few kittens are insensitive when thunder rumbles. The deafening noise this causes and the lightning bolts that rip through the sky in terrifying darkness can have a direct effect on cats, depending on the situation:
- To meow incessantly,
- hiss,
- Raise the hair,
- Untimely licking,
- To shiver,
- Toss and turn in circles,
- Rushing under a hiding place,
- Be aggressive...
It is common for its tail to swing in all directions and its ears to rest flat on the skull. As for his pupils, they suddenly widened, and the kitten's eyes looked black. It is not a good sign
These specific attitudes and performances really show a high level of stress. The animal was seized with a feeling of fear, even a state of panic. his master must help him.
Calming a cat who is afraid of a thunderstorm
The terrifying blast of thunder and the unsettling rumble of endless rumbles are enough to freak out even the most zen cat, and a barrage of thunderbolts won't help. In the event of a thunderstorm, this kitten will feel the threat of a powerful enemy. In this highly sensitive and highly developed auditory animal, limbic tension is easy to spot. Within seconds, a cat under the influence of fear can completely change its behavior.
Above all, it is necessary to reassure him as quickly as possible so that his discomfort does not increase. Some cats calm down when their owners talk to them, while others need to be cuddled because they feel safe when cuddled. But sometimes, without any help, many cats overstressed by a storm won't even accept being cuddled. No need to hold on because you risk scratches or even bites.
Play with your cat during a thunderstorm
This game is a great way to distract a cat startled by thunder. Even better, because the goal is to reduce the level of panic by allowing the kitten to focus on something other than the storm. So, we chose our favorite toy and shared this fun and reassuring moment with our pet, offering him some rewards along the way.
Avoid transmitting stress to cats
When the storm comes, many people are not calm, which is worse, some are stressed, and some even panic. In this case, the kitten's discomfort increases because it is very sensitive to the emotions of its owner.
To avoid transmitting your stress to him, it is advisable not to take the animal alone until everything is back to normal, but simply to talk to him to make sure that he is not too afraid. thunderstorm along the way.
Help the cat hide in a thunderstorm
If the animal does not have the opportunity to prostrate itself in the hiding place, its state of panic may last beyond this chaotic event. Let's not forget that thunderstorms can be traumatic for a cat. If we know that the kitten is particularly sensitive to it, it must be possible for him to take refuge somewhere in the house so that he regains a little confidence.
We've carefully opened the basement door, the hall cabinet, the TV cabinet, and even the dressing room in the master suite, and if that's really where he feels protected and wants to Come on, why don't you open the bathroom door? Shut up. If the only safe haven for him is the bottom of the duvet, that's okay! Let's not forget that a cat who is very afraid of thunderstorms can get out of control when he can't find his favorite hiding place. Therefore, we are doing everything we can to avoid this extreme situation.
Cover the sound of the storm to soothe your cat
There are several solutions to at least partially cover the deafening noise that makes the cat shiver with every thunder.
First you need to close the windows because the glass is part of the soundproofing. If the animal jumps with each flash, it's a good idea to close the shutters as well.
Then we turn on the radio, television or play the CD. The volume should be high enough to drown out outside noise. Music can be a great distraction for a kitten or an adult cat completely freaked out by a storm, and it even has soothing power.
Predict whether to declare a storm
If the weather forecast announces a stormy event in the next few hours, you might as well take the lead. Anticipation can limit panic attacks in cats that are afraid of thunderstorms.
If the animal is in the garden, it is safest to bring it back before it gets wet from heavy rain or is hit by hail on the head.
Making sure it doesn't stay outside is also an important precaution, as a frightened cat may want to run for cover at the first clap of thunder, which is when it risks being run over by a car crossing the road.
Finally, it should be noted that animals can also be victims of lightning. Electrocution can cause seizures, loss of consciousness and can be devastating. This requires urgent negotiation. Except in a thunderstorm, if a kitten wanders outside and is struck by lightning, its owner is unlikely to notice and be able to reach out quickly. So always keep your pet safe.