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8 signs your Dog is Happy and Healthy

Every dog owner wants his or her dog to live a long and healthy life. However, without verbal communication, dog owners may not be able to know if their dogs are doing well physically or emotionally. 

dog happy healthy

By observing their nonverbal cues and body  language, we can determine how they feel and how they are doing. In this article, we'll explore  eight signs that your dog is happy and healthy.

What are the eight signs that your dog is happy and healthy?

sign 1 beautiful coat. 

Dogs' coats reflect their health and mental state.  Shiny clean coats indicate good health and the absence of emotional or environmental stress  in dogs. A healthy coat indicates a happy dog. However, if your dog's fur starts to shed  without any external factors intervening, he or she might be suffering from some  health condition or be mentally unstable.


Schedule a wellness visit if this happens to  your dog. It could be a sign of a health issue.

Sign 2, relaxed and calm. 

There are times when happy dogs aren't overt about their happiness. Don't worry if  your dog seems especially chilled. Being calm and relaxed is also a sign that he or she is happy. happy dogs can take naps up to 16 hours a day.  

This is a strong sign that your  puppy is happy and relaxed. Sleeping less than usual may indicate  stress or illness in your dog.

Sign 3, healthy appetite.

Being healthy is a key component to your dog's happiness. Each meal should be  looked forward to by your dog, and the bowl should be licked clean afterward. Digestion and  gut health also plays an essential role in health. 

Having a strong appetite is a sign of a healthy  and happy dog. It could be a sign that something is wrong if you notice a major change in their  daily eating routine, such as not being able to eat for two or three days. Visit a veterinarian  if your dog doesn't seem to be eating normally.

Sign 4, lean on you. 

Does your dog lean on your foot or lean against you?

In most situations,  dogs lean on their people for comfort and affection, the equivalent of a dog hug.

Dogs who are happy make lots of body contact, so if your dog reacts, stays close, or leans in  towards you, this is a clear indication that your dog loves you and is enjoying your company. Basically, your dog is glad to see you.  

Dogs who are unhappy may try to hide or take  themselves off to another area if they can, even try to turn their heads away  from the person making them unhappy.

Sign 5, relaxed body language.

their whole body and tail will look relaxed and they often wiggle a happy dog's  whole body can wag along with their tail. When you look at a happy dog's face,  you'll notice a soft gaze, an open mouth, a tongue that's either lolling or  smiling, and teeth that aren't bared.

Sign 6, obey the rules.

In dogs, stubbornness may be a sign of discomfort or anger. Even dogs will  disregard your commands when they are angry if you know they are capable of sitting  or rolling over, yet they suddenly stop. Your dog might be upset by you or something  in their surroundings if that happens.  

Training a dog isn't just about the dog,  it's actually about the bond shared between owner and pet. Training is less likely to be  successful when dogs don't trust their owners.

Sign 7, Playtime. 

Happy dogs have energy to spare and are always ready for a play, walk,  fetch game, or crazy five minutes when you are. The way dogs play varies, from  bringing you their favorite toy to launching straight into a play bow. Our routine dogs know when a walk, drive or playtime is about to happen and throw their enthusiasm into every activity.

Sign 8, cuddle up.

When your pup hops up on the couch to curl up next to you, this is a sign he or she is happy to be around you. Dogs are social creatures and like to sleep next to the people,  dogs, or other animals they are attached to. 

When they behave this way, it indicates that they trust you and want to be close to you. If your dog is happy, he or she will come to you for attention and spend time with you.  

Remember that some dogs are more independent than others, and personalities differ.

Thank you for reading. Please share if you enjoyed this article. 

Leave a comment below and tell us which of these signs or other signs you notice in the comments below. 

See you in the next one.

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