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What should I never do to my dog? Don't Ever Do 8 Things to Your Dog.

Dogs are our loyal companions, and our faithful protectors, they deserve to be treated with love, compassion, and care as valued family members. People who are dedicated to their dogs are unique. However, even the most caring dog owners sometimes make mistakes that are not in the dog's best interest.

In this article, we will be going over eight things you should never do to your dog. Don't Ever Do These Things to Your Dog

don't ever do 8 things to your dog

So, What should I never do to my dog?

Number 1, teasing.

Children and some adults often ride big dogs, pull on their tails and ears, or wrestle with an unwilling dog to tease them.

These things can cause dogs to become upset or even aggressive. In addition, moving a dog's dish while they are eating, endless laser pointer sessions, or playing keep away without ever allowing them to touch the toy causes them to be unhappy.

Instead of teasing your dog, reward them when they perform well.

Number 2, punish excessively.

You should never hit, shout at, or scold your dog. Physical or emotional punishment will have a negative impact on them. Hitting your dog to punish them only leads to aggressive behavior.

It also breaks the bond of trust between you and your dog and can even lower your dog’s confidence.

Number 3, Nail trimming.

In the wild, dogs run and walk on hard rough surfaces on a daily basis, which slowly wears down their nails. Pet dogs, however, often spend most of their time indoors or on grass or carpets.

Therefore, pet dogs' nails would grow out over time, requiring manual trimming. If your dog's nails are too long, they can curl into the skin, causing pain. Nails can also split down to the quick, which contains blood vessels and nerves.

In addition, longer nails put more pressure on a dog's nail bed and make it difficult for them to walk around comfortably. It is common for people to avoid trimming their dog's nails due to the fact that the majority of dogs hate this process and will do whatever it takes to avoid it.

The good news is that your dog will get accustomed to it if you start early and make it a regular part of your dog's life.

Number 4, Playing without taking breaks.

It is possible for your furry friend to become exhausted after playing with you for a long time. While most dogs enjoy chasing and fetching balls, chasing balls repeatedly without a break can be harmful to their health.

Choose the best time of day for playing with your dog. Depending on the temperature, you should adjust the intensity and duration of your playtime.

It can be harmful to your dog to play in extreme heat. It is possible to suffer heat stroke when playing on a hot day. Summer temperatures can be too hot for dogs to play outside when the temperature and humidity are high. A high humidity level prevents them from cooling themselves effectively, causing their temperature to rise rapidly to dangerous levels.

As a result, it's not a good idea to play outside with your pet during such weather.

Number 5, bathroom access.

A dog should not be allowed in the bathroom or near the toilet. The water in the toilet bowl is not suitable for your dog to drink.

Make sure the bowl's lid is down so your dog cannot access it, In addition to dirty water, many bathrooms contain cleaning chemicals and personal-care items that can be toxic to dogs.

Keeping the bathroom door closed is a good idea if you have a curious dog.

Number 6, ice can be dangerous.

It is common for dog owners to give their dogs ice cubes or fill their water bowls with ice on hot summer days. Dogs shouldn't eat ice.

A common cause of broken dog teeth is ice, especially their larger back teeth. The broken teeth are painful and may become infected, requiring tooth extraction or root canal therapy.

Warm-weather dog treats should be fruits such as apples or carrots rather than cold water or frozen treats.

It is important to remember not to feed them the core or seeds of the fruit.

Number 7, toxic food.

It is common practice for people to give their dogs human food believing they are being kind to them, but many human foods are harmful to dogs. Most sugar-free products contain artificial sweeteners.

These sweeteners are extremely toxic to dogs, especially in candy, chewing gum, baked goods, protein bars, toothpaste, and peanut butter.

Even though humans love the flavors of garlic and onion in their food, sharing these ingredients with pets can lead to serious health problems. If you share food with your dog, make sure it doesn't contain harmful ingredients like chocolate raisins or nuts. In severe cases, it could even kill your dog.

Aside from these products, grapes and avocados are also extremely toxic to dogs. Often, the foods we eat are too fatty, spicy, or salty for our dogs.

Number 8, dog alone in the car.

Even if the weather is relatively cool, a car can quickly become a greenhouse and overheat and sicken your dog. A dog can even die if left alone for too long.

In addition, regardless of the weather or season, a dog alone in a car is a target for thieves. It is never a good idea to leave your dog alone in a vehicle!

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