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A basic introduction to cat eye care

The eyes of your feline friends have often been used in horror movies. But if you're a pet owner, you know the cat's look is truly the opposite of what's portrayed in the movies. That's why you need to be aware of the importance of eye care for your pet, the cat.

How do you take care of a cat's eye?How do you describe a cat's eyes?Why are cats eyes important?What are the parts of a cat's eye?

I love you

How do cats say these words? Through their eyes, of course. That's why you shouldn't be terrified of this look... How does it work? First, the cat stares at you for a long time. Then he blinks slowly. Some people call it the cat kiss. But you can also tell it's your cat's way of telling you they love you.

But how to reciprocate? Easy, follow your cat's lead. Stare at it for a long moment, then blink slowly. You see? Cat's eyes also serve as elements for romantic movies.

Not a third eye

Don't believe the horror movies you see. Cats don't have a third eye. Their sight is really finer than that of humans. Instead of a third eye, cats have a third eyelid. This is called a nictitating membrane.

This inner eyelid protects cats' eyes against aggression and dryness. You will notice that when a cat is sick, this membrane closes somewhat. This should prompt you to call the vet or bring your cat to him quickly.

But this third eyelid also shows up when the cat is happy. So you will know what mood your cat is in just by looking at this membrane.

The pupil

The pupil of your feline friend's eyes should also be observed. A change in pupil size can be a sign of inflammation. It can also be a sign of a kind of neurological disorder called Horner's syndrome. Or worse, it can also indicate tumors or injuries in the central nervous system.

Night vision

Don't believe what others say cats are color blind. They see some of them. They may not see as clearly as humans, but it's not like they can't see any color.

Cats can also see clearly from a distance. It's very different from humans. They find it blurry to look at things that are so close to them.

Yes, cats have night vision. But they can't see in total darkness. Do you see the muscles in their iris that surround the pupils of their eyes? They are constructed in such a way that they shrink into a vertical split when exposed to bright light. And it fully opens when the acts are in low enough light.

This characteristic of cats can be traced back to their roots. They can use it to hunt for food at night if they have been abandoned in the jungle or have no one to look after them.

So forget the horror movies. You've had chills before. It's not time to go to great lengths for cat eye care. Don't let a minor problem get worse. Call the vet immediately if anything is wrong. You don't want your cat to lose his sight or even his life. It is always better to be sure than blind.

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