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Dental care for cats

Cat dental care is important to ensure your pet enjoys good health, among other things. Cats also need their teeth taken care of as it can lead to many other problems regarding their general health. For example, if your cat has periodontal problems, he may not eat well and be in poor health due to a lack of nutrients in his body. That's how important dental care is for your cat.

How should I take care of my cats teeth?Do cats really need dental cleaning?How do I keep my cat's teeth clean without brushing?How often should a cat's teeth be cleaned?

Most cats can suffer from a wide range of dental problems if not properly cared for. That's why it's the pet owner's responsibility to make sure their cat follows a good dental hygiene regimen. It may be hard work, but it will benefit you and your cat in the long run.

One of the problems cats have with their teeth is plaque. Just like humans, cats have a buildup of tartar in their own teeth called plaque. This is due to the many types of food cats eat and the substances that build up in their teeth that can promote tartar buildup. If plaque buildup continues, it can lead to gum problems and ultimately the loss of your cat's teeth.

Not all cats have the same experience with dental plaque. It seems that some cats are predisposed to tartar buildup while others seem to get away with it even with little dental care. Some cats may need their teeth cleaned regularly to remove plaque that has accumulated there. Plaque is a small whitish-yellow deposit that gradually forms on your cat's teeth.

In cats, plaque usually develops on the outer surface of the upper teeth. If left to build up, plaque can cause gum problems in cats. This manifests as reddened gum lines which may indicate that plaque is already causing some irritation.

In order to prevent excessive plaque buildup in your cat's teeth, an annual teeth cleaning may be suggested. Veterinarians generally put cats under general anesthesia to get their teeth cleaned. However, this service may come at a high cost. The best solution is to have your cat's teeth cleaned at home.

Sometimes it takes some getting used to cleaning your cat's teeth at home. Cats generally don't like having their teeth cleaned. To do this, you may need to put your cat in a towel straitjacket and help her.

A child-sized toothbrush is ideal for cleaning your cat's teeth. You can also use edible toothpaste available at pet stores to make it easier. Sometimes cats can get used to brushing their teeth if done on a weekly basis.

Sometimes when you try to observe certain dental care for cats, you may find that your cat has smelly breath. This can be due to two things. The first can occur when a young cat is teething. Around the age of six months, cats begin to lose their baby teeth, replaced by permanent teeth.

Cat's breath odor may be due to the process of changing teeth. The smell on your cat's breath will eventually fade once the teeth grow in.

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