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Common Cat Health Problems
to the world of animals 20 January 2023
If you're a new cat owner, you might be surprised to find that health issues are common. No matter what breed of cat you own, health iss...
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Top 5 Natural Dry Dog Foods
to the world of animals 20 January 2023
Your dog will stay healthy and strong if fed the proper food . Carelessness in allocating the right food can lead to disaster. There are a...
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Horse Language
to the world of animals 19 January 2023
Of course, horses have their own language and, sadly, many of us are not as conscious of it as we need to be. It is a big mistake not to kno...
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Lunging/Longeing - Part Three
to the world of animals 19 January 2023
Getting comfortable in a circle, and using the same body language as horses is natural for a horse, and he will easily see your intention. Y...
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 Lunging/Longeing - Part Two
to the world of animals 19 January 2023
Go lunging with the right equipment: splint boots with bells, a tight-fitting halter, a light lunging whip, and a lunging line you can comfo...
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Lunging/Longeing- Part One: how to lunge a horse for beginners
to the world of animals 19 January 2023
As with anything you do with a horse, when you start lunging, start slow, smooth and effortless. Think of a young horse, with a short attent...
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 The cat whisperer
to the world of animals 18 January 2023
A cat whisperer is somewhat similar to a dog or horse whisperer, although cat whisperers get along very well with cats. These types of peop...
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A Dog's Diet Influences His Oral Health
to the world of animals 18 January 2023
Your dog is your best friend. Every time you walk through the door, your dog is so happy to see you that he's wagging his tail and pract...
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Common questions about vaccinations
to the world of animals 18 January 2023
Common questions about vaccinations should be understood first by dog owners. One of the most common questions is whether to vaccinate the ...
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Avoid table scraps in your dog's diet
to the world of animals 18 January 2023
We have all done it. Our cute little furry friend is practically smiling at us from under the kitchen table. Its ears are erect and it wags ...
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Basic aquarium plant care
to the world of animals 18 January 2023
Most people who buy an aquarium do so for its visual appeal. It is known that people spend more money on the decoration of their aquarium th...
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Caring for bubble coral in an aquarium
to the world of animals 18 January 2023
More and more people are setting up saltwater aquariums and adding coral to their decor. As with any living thing, it's best to understa...
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Test the hardness of your aquarium water
to the world of animals 18 January 2023
Just as the ecosystem in nature is very fragile and likely to trigger serious consequences if the balance of the elements is altered, the ec...
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Saving Money on Distilled Water in Saltwater Aquariums
to the world of animals 18 January 2023
There was a time when it was thought that heating distilled water was dangerous because it heated faster than regular tap water. It has sinc...
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Baby Horsies: Caring for Fouls
to the world of animals 17 January 2023
Whenever you have little ones coming into your life or your pet's life, there's plenty to be excited about. Caring for the young is ...
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How to keep cats out of your garden?
to the world of animals 17 January 2023
Your first line of defense in keeping cats out of your yard is to make sure your boundaries are secure. If there are any gaps in your fence,...
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Cats and feline diabetes
to the world of animals 17 January 2023
Cats are one of the more popular pets in the North American region. They are affectionate pets, capable of providing you with years of compa...
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Aquarium Care for the Freshwater Guppy
to the world of animals 15 January 2023
Guppies are perhaps the most popular type of freshwater fish in an aquarium. Fortunately, they are also quite easy to breed. Guppies are har...
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Tips for Selling a Saltwater Aquarium on eBay
to the world of animals 15 January 2023
Aquariums are an integral part of any home, they inevitably brighten up the landscape and delight young and old alike. Despite their many st...
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What types of hermit crabs should be placed in a saltwater aquarium?
to the world of animals 15 January 2023
Hermit crabs have been popular pets with adults and children for many years, and many appreciate their unique beauty (and just as many don&...
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How to feed saltwater aquarium fish?
to the world of animals 15 January 2023
Anyone who's ever had a pet knows that one of the first things a responsible owner does is make sure their pet gets a balanced diet. He ...
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